Inleiding tot forensiese linguistiek
Introduction to forensic linguistics
• Inleidend en deskundige getuienis;
• Linguistieke bewysstukke en ondersoekende linguistiek (deel 1);
• Linguistieke bewysstukke en ondersoekende linguistiek (deel 2);
• Taalminderhede en die regstelsel; en
• Taalgebruik in geregtelike prosesse.
Ideale Kursusganger
Die kursus is ideaal vir die volgende:
• Uitvoerende amptenare, senior bestuurders, funksionele hoofde en bestuurders;
• Besigheidskonsultante, analiste, finansiële en strategiese adviseurs;
• Kleinsake-entrepreneurs; en
• Finansiële adviseurs wat kredietpunte moet verkry.
Dr. Annelise de Vries
Dr. Annelise de Vries is ʼn dosent in Afrikaans en het ʼn doktorsgraad in Toegepaste Linguistiek, ʼn meesters- en honneursgraad in Afrikaans en Nederlands, ʼn BA-graad in Kommunikasiestudies en ʼn BA-graad in Pastorale Begeleiding en Psigologie. Sy het haar doktorsgraad aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg verwerf en haar meesters-, honneurs- en BA-grade aan die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus. De Vries se navorsingsfokus is toegepaste linguistiek waaronder taalbeplanning en forensiese linguistiek val. Haar mees onlangse gepubliseerde werk is ʼn hoofstuk in die boek, Language and the law in South Africa and beyond – Language and crime: Issues in forensic linguistics.
Sy het vir drie jaar in die onderwysomgewing gewerk en daarna vier jaar grotendeels as ʼn navorser. Sy dien ook tans as voorsitter van die direksie van die Afrikaanse Taalraad. Sy doseer die volgende modules by Akademia: Afrikaans Huistaalonderwys en Afrikaans as Taal van Onderrig en Leer.
Dr. Zakeera Docrat
Dr. Zakeera Docrat is ʼn forensiese en regslinguis, skrywer en navorser. Docrat is tans ʼn postdoktorale navorsingsgenoot in forensiese linguistiek (taal en reg) by die Nasionale Instituut vir Geestes- en Sosiale Wetenskappe (NIHSS) van die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK). Docrat het twee vorige postdoktorale navorsingsgenootskappe by die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) aan Rhodes-Universiteit gehou onder die vaandel van die NNS se SARChI-leerstoel in die Intellektualisering van Afrikatale, Meertaligheid en Onderwys asook by die Andrew W Mellon-stigting by die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK). Dr Docrat beskik oor die volgende grade: BA, BA Honneurs (cum laude), LLB, MA (cum laude) en ʼn PhD; en is met volle akademiese kleure vereer. In Junie 2021 het Docrat haar eerste boek gepubliseer met die titel: A handbook on Legal Languages and the quest for linguistic equality in South Africa and beyond. Sy publiseer wyd in geakkrediteerde nasionale en internasionale vaktydskrifte en boeke. Sy skryf opiniestukke vir verskeie mediaforums. Sy lewer referate by internasionale en nasionale konferensies. Daar is al talle onderhoude met haar in die nasionale media gevoer. Daar is al na haar navorsing verwys in uitsprake in Suid-Afrikaanse howe. Haar navorsing dien tans voor die Verenigde Nasies se Menseregtekomitee. Sy is ʼn lid van die International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguists (IAFLL), die African Languages Association of Southern Africa (ALASA) en ondervoorsitter van die Indigenous Languages Action Forum (ILAF). Sy is ʼn internasionale adviesraadslid vir die International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. Docrat was een van die Mail & Guardian 200 Young South Africans (Justice and Law-kategorie) en het talle toekennings ontvang, insluitend die beste meestersverhandeling (ALASA); die Women in Science-toekenning – Albertina Sisulu Doctoral Fellowship (Departement van Wetenskap en Tegnologie), wat erkenning gee aan haar uitstaande akademiese en navorsingsvaardighede; Phenomenal Heroic Woman in Science Award (Sunday World en Departement van Wetenskap en Innovasie); en die ALASA-toekenning vir opkomende navorsers.
Dr. Karien van den Berg
Dr. Karien van den Berg is ‘n senior lektor verbonde aan die Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus. Sy doseer die afgelope tien jaar ‘n inleidende honneursmodule in Forensiese Linguistiek by NWU, wat deur die bekende taalkundige, prof. Ernst Kotzé, ingelei is. In hierdie tyd het sy al hoe meer betrokke geraak by navorsing oor outeurskapverifikasie en die taal van bedreiging, wat ook haatspraak insluit. Haar agtergrond in Engels as ʼn tweede taal en taalassessering rus haar goed toe vir beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe ondersoeke. Sy het ook konferensiereferate by internasionale en nasionale konferensies op die gebied van Forensiese Linguistiek gelewer en drie boekhoofstukke gepubliseer. In 2021 het sy in samewerking met prof. Terrence Carney (Unisa) die virtuele rondetafel oor taal en reg in Afrika aangebied. Daarbenewens is sy deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Sentrum vir Digitale Taalhulpbronne (SADiLaR) genooi om ʼn kollokwium aan te bied waar sy gepraat het oor geldigheid en metodologie in outeurskapverifikasiemetodes. Verder het sy suksesvol nagraadse studente afgelewer wat gewerk het aan onderwerpe wat verband hou met die taal van dreigende tekste sowel as handelsnaamgeskille in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Van den Berg het reeds in 2019-2020 forensiese linguistiese ondersoeke vir onder meer MacRobert Prokureurs in Pretoria gedoen, en in 2022 het sy ʼn uitgebreide ondersoek vir Carte Blanche, die ondersoekende joernalistiek-TV-program, gedoen.
Karien Brits
Karien Brits is die voltydse taalpraktisyn van Akademia en ʼn deeltydse dosent in Sepedi as Gesprekstaal. Sy het ʼn BBk-graad (Bedryfskommunikasie) asook ʼn honneurs- en meestersgraad (cum laude) in Setswana aan die Noordwes-Universiteit verwerf. Karien se navorsingsfokus is meertaligheid, taalbeplanning en taalregte, maar sy stel ook belang in taalverwerwing, morfologie, taaltegnologie en onomastiek. Sy tree by geleentheid op as ʼn tolk in verskeie landdroshowe (Kempton Park, Randburg, Westonaria, Germiston) waar sy Pools-Engels-Pools tolk. Haar mees onlangse referaat was by die Europese konferensie van die International Association for Forensic and Legal Linguistics in Porto (Portugal) in Julie 2022. Haar mees onlangse gepubliseerde werk (saam met dr. Zakeera Docrat) is ʼn artikel in die South African Journal of African Languages oor taalstereotipering en meertaligheid. Sy is al vir twee dekades in die universiteitswêreld betrokke en was werksaam by die Noordwes-Universiteit, die Adam Mickiewicz-Universiteit in Poznan (Pole) asook die Universiteit van Johannesburg.
Dr. Alexander Politis
Dr. Alexander Politis is ʼn dosent in Regsgeleerdheid by Akademia en het ʼn LLB-graad (cum laude) van die Universiteit van Pretoria (UP), ʼn LLM-graad van die Universiteit van Cambridge, ʼn LLM-graad (cum laude) en ʼn LLD-graad van UP. Politis se navorsingsfokus is geneeskundige reg. Hy het vir agtien jaar as advokaat gepraktiseer en is ʼn geassosieerde lid van die Pretoria Vereniging van Advokate. Hy doseer tans Sakereg, Erfreg en Regsfilosofie.
Dr. Annelise de Vries |
Introduction to forensic linguistics
The purpose of this course is to introduce prospective and current legal practitioners to the nature of forensic linguistics. The course offers the opportunity to gain knowledge about the enormous role that language plays in every aspect of the administration of justice.
Starting date
Admission requirement
Language of tuition
- Introductory and expert testimony;
- Linguistic evidence and investigative linguistics (part 1);
- Linguistic evidence and investigative linguistics (part 2);
- Language minorities and the legal system; and
- Language use in the legal processes.
The course is ideal for law students from NQF 6 level upwards, legal practitioners, criminologists, police officers, journalists, language practitioners, linguists, psychologists and behaviour analysts.
Course presenters
Dr. Annelise de Vries
Dr Annelise de Vries is a lecturer in Afrikaans and she has a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics, a master’s and honours degree in Afrikaans and Dutch, a BA degree in Communication Studies and a BA degree in Pastoral Counselling and Psychology. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Johannesburg and her master’s, honours and BA degrees from the Northwest-University’s Potchefstroom Campus. De Vries’s research focus is applied linguistics among which language planning and forensic linguistics resort. Her most recent published word is a chapter in the book Language and the law in South Africa and beyond – Language and crime: Issues in forensic linguistics.
She worked for three years in the education environment and thereafter for four years mainly as researcher. She is currently also serves as chairperson of the board of the Afrikaanse Taalraad. She lecturers the following modules at Akademia: Afrikaans Home Language and Afrikaans as Language of Teaching and Learning.
Dr. Zakeera Docrat
Dr Zakeera Docrat is a forensic and legal linguist, author and researcher. Docrat is presently a National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) post-doctoral research fellow in forensic linguistics (language and law) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Docrat has held two previous post-doctoral research fellowships with the National Research Foundation at Rhodes University under the auspices of the NRF SARChI Chair in the Intellectualisation of African Languages, Multilingualism and Education as well as with the Andrew W Mellon Foundation at UWC. Dr Docrat holds the following degrees: BA, BA Honours (cum laude), LLB, MA (cum laude) and a PhD; and was awarded full academic colours. In June 2021, Docrat published her first book titled: A handbook on Legal Languages and the quest for linguistic equality in South Africa and beyond. She has published widely in accredited national and international journals and books. She has penned opinion pieces in several press forums. She has presented at international and national conferences. She has been interviewed on national media. Her research has been referred to and referenced in judgments emanating from South African courts. Her research is currently before the United Nations Human Rights Committee. She is a member of the International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguists (IAFLL), the African Languages Association of Southern Africa (ALASA) and Vice-Chairperson of the Indigenous Languages Action Forum (ILAF). She is an international advisory board member for the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. Docrat was one of the Mail & Guardian 200 Young South Africans (Justice and Law category) and received numerous awards, including most outstanding Master’s Thesis (African Languages Association of South Africa); the Women in Science Award – Albertina Sisulu Doctoral Fellowship (Department of Science and Technology), recognising her outstanding academic and research ability; Phenomenal Heroic Woman in Science Award (Sunday World and Department of Science and Innovation); and the ALASA emerging researcher award.
Dr. Karien van den Berg
Dr Karien van den Berg is a senior lecturer at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. She has been teaching an introductory honours module in Forensic Linguistics at NWU for the past ten years, a course that was introduced by the well-known linguist, Prof Ernst Kotzé. During this time, she became more involved in research about authorship verification and threatening language, including hate speech. Her background in English as second language and language assessment equipped her well for both quantitative and qualitative research. She has presented at international and national conferences in the field of Forensic Linguistics and published three book chapters. In 2021 she presented in collaboration with Prof Terrence Carney (Unisa) the virtual roundtable about language and law in Africa. In addition, she was invited by the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) to present a colloquium where she talked about the validity and methodology in authorship verification methods. Furthermore, she has delivered successful postgraduate students who worked on topics related to the language of threatening text as well as trade name disputes in the South African context. Van den Berg did forensic linguistics investigations for among others MacRobert Lawyers in Pretoria in 2019-2020, and in 2022 she did an extensive investigation for Carte Blanche, the investigative journalism TV programme.
Karien Brits
Karien Brits is the fulltime language practitioner of Akademia and a parttime lecturer in Sepedi as Conversational Language. She obtained a degree in Business Communication as well as an honours and master’s degree (cum laude) in Setswana at North-West University. Brits’s research focus is multilingualism, language planning and language rights, but she is also interested in language acquisition, morphology, language technology and onomastics. Occasionally she stands in as interpreter in various magistrate courts (Kempton Park, Randburg, Westonaria, Germiston) in the language combination Polish-English-Polish. Her most recent paper was at the European conference of the International Association for Forensic and Legal Linguistics in Porto (Portugal) in Julie 2022 Her most recent published word (with Dr Zakeera Docrat) is an article in the South African Journal of African Languages about language stereotyping and multilingualism. She has been involved in the university world for two decades and worked at the North-West University, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) as well as the University of Johannesburg.
Dr. Annelise de Vries |